David Butler
We are excited to announce the five winners of our RE:EQUIP $500 grants:

Lisa Amorteguy, Jenny Gillespie, Joe Sebastian, Dana Rounds and Ginny Valles.
For the second year, PLEF has held a grant writing contest for the teachers of LFCS. This year during training week, our teachers were asked to RE: equip, RE: ignite, and RE: imagine what learning would look like for a school year that did not look like any other we have ever experienced. Answering the question, “How will this project fulfill a learning need that you are not currently able to meet?” Teachers described ways in which requested materials would supplement learning. The submission ranged in variety from music, to art, to STEM and robotics. Deciding on five winning applicants was a difficult task. We can’t wait to see how they put their projects to use in the classroom and beyond!