

David Butler

PLEF raises over $10k in coins!

April 2021, the students of LFCS took home cups to collect coins in. Our students STUNNED us and turned in over $10,000 worth of coins!! It was SO much that it took weeks to count!

At the end of the week, students who returned a cup full of coins were able to come to school dressed up and ready to support ‘Operation Lion Heart.’ Students wore blue and yellow to support our Liberty Charter High School Lions athletes during their spring playoff and CIF matches.


David Butler

This year the Patriot Legacy Education was excited to recognize donors who gave over $200 during the year. Donors received a surprise stocking in the mail full of PLEF swag including a mug, pen, laser etched keychain light, and more. We can’t thank them enough for their support of our students and mission.

Jog4Tech 2021

David Butler

2021 LFCS Jog4Tech surpasses goal by more than $15,000 for a total of $73,000 raised!!!

During the month of February, the Patriot Legacy Education Foundation held a school wide fundraiser at LFCS called the Jog4Tech. The goal was to raise $55,000 for the ongoing technology needs of LFCS. Specifically, the school needs to begin replacing outdated SMART Boards in every classroom. Each LFCS family was asked to send out 10 or more Pledge Requests to their family and friends asking them to donate to our cause. Pledge Requests included a personal note from the kids as well as a photo. The requests were sent as emails or text messages to family and friends using the Pledge Star website. As pledges come in, the classes begin to rank based on how much money they have earned.

This year, students who sent 10 or more pledge requests got an LFCS drawstring backpack. Top earning classes got ice cream parties or pizza parties. We also gave out some AMAZING prizes to the top earners in each grade level, and recognized the top earners in each class at our Trimester assemblies.

All American Blast Gala

David Butler

Big News!! Thanks to all of our friends and family who participated and gave so generously at the All American Blast gala, we have reached our goal and can purchase our second van! In all, the event raised about $10,000 that will directly impact our student community.

Aside from that, the event itself was a huge success. The evening was full of entertainment and fun with raffles, games, and lots of dancing along with live music from the Remembrance Tribute Band. Dinner was provided by Bekker’s Catering with BBQ chicken, potato salad, and apple pie. You can’t get much more American than that!

Along with the silent auctions and raffle drawings, two games held special interest for the audience. The first was a game of heads or tails. As the last man standing, Jared Svendsen won an overnight golf package to Sycuan Resort. However, the big winner of the night was Maureen Degan. She went home with a diamond bracelet!

Thanks again to all who joined us in this special evening. We are looking forward to many more!


David Butler

Let us introduce you to one of our very own LFCS heroes–Irl Bilbrey. Irl has been our in-house go-to-fix-it man for over a decade which makes him an everyday hero in our eyes. But long before he joined us, Irl has lived out a heroic calling of serving in the military, serving in the community, and serving his family.

To see more about why Irl was chosen as this year’s gala honoree, please watch the video below.  You will be blessed and encouraged by his story.

Save the Date!

David Butler

Patriot Legacy Education Foundation is excited to announce our 2nd Annual Gala! The All-American Blast will be held on October 12th, 2019

Last year, our LFCS family showed incredible support for our foundation by participating in the Parent Prom. This year, we want to open our doors to our community and friends so that they too can join in the fun!

Just like last year, there will be great food, entertainment, and dancing.

In our inaugural year, this event pushed us over the top of our fundraising goal and allowed us to purchase our first LFCS van! We can’t wait to see how the 2nd Annual Gala will move us closer to our second van!


PLEF Scholarships

David Butler

We have great news…

We have just posted our first scholarship application on the Liberty Charter High School website!  This $1000 scholarship is exclusively for LCHS students (Freshmen-Seniors) who have documented volunteer hours of 100 hours or more!  This application is due by February 15th so please act quickly if you are interested!


International Dot Day

David Butler


This year the LFCS art team began the year by participating in the International Dot Day across all of the campuses. Dot Day celebrates the anniversary of the book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds. It is a simple story with a big idea: we can make a “mark” on this world.

To celebrate, students had the opportunity to make their own dots that reflected them in whatever way they wanted. The outcome was a beautiful, collective work of art. Each campus approached the project differently, but the concept was the same.  We want our students to believe that they can truly make a “mark” on their world.

And so can we. We can make a mark on our school by actively participating in the lives of our students, school community, and the community at large. We can find creative ways to support the future of our LFCS students. How will you make your “mark”?



We’ve Got it!

David Butler

For the school year of 2017-2018, we made it our goal to purchase a van for our sports teams and clubs. Purchasing a van would make it possible for our students to attend more games and participate in more community events without the issue of transportation stopping them. Additionally, it could be used to help supplement field trip transportation needs and other future possibilities.

The goal was to raise $40,000 to purchase such a van. And guess what? WE DID IT! On August 20th, our Athletic Director, Linn Dunton was able to go to Mossy Ford of El Cajon to purchase our van in cash as a result of funds raised through the Patriot Legacy Education Foundation! This purchase will open up our LFCS family to so many possibilities. We are so excited!

But we are not stopping here. We are looking forward to our future of more possibilities. We look forward to purchasing more vans to create more accessibility to our students. And this is just the starting point. As the PLEF grows in its ability to provide funding to LFCS….we are dreaming of big things! We sincerely hoping you are dreaming and looking forward with us…but for now let’s celebrate! We’ve got it!

Parent Prom

On Saturday, June 9th, the Patriot Legacy Education Foundation proudly hosted its very first gala…Parent Prom! The night was full of entertainment and fun and we were so pleased with the support of our community. Live music was provided by one LFCS’ very own 6th grade teachers. Harvey Curry and his fellow singers from the Remembrance Tribute Band donated both their time and talent for the evening. Along with the full dance floor, the live music was a highlight of the evening. Read more “Parent Prom”